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Inclusive Discussion Support System For Hard of Hearing and Hearing Students

CollabAll provides deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) individuals with a mechanism to actively participate in making decisions and getting their point across in team meetings. CollabAll provides a team with the ability to create discussion topics for their meeting, track the person currently communicating and the current topic being discussed. A key feature of CollabAll is the ability for a participant to issue real-time interjections during the meeting. Examples of interjections include: "Slow Down", "Don't Understand", "Question", etc.

Application Features

CollabAll is composed of the following key components:

Groups - represents the team an individual belongs to

Cards - represents the topic of discussion for the meeting. Multiple Cards can be associated with aGroup

Interjections - represents the different types of interruptions that a user can issue during the meeting

Meet Now - utilized by the group when they meet

project technology logs

Built Using Modern Web Technologies & Accessible Across Multiple Devices.

CollabAll is built as a responsive web based 3-tier system that utilizes open source technologies. As a responsive website, CollabAll can be accessed by any device with an Internet connection and utilizes the HTML 5 API to (1) vibrate the smartphone when an Interjection is issued and (2) issue Interjections when the user tilts the smartphone/tablet. The real-time notification of Interjections is implemented using Web Sockets; when the user access the Meet Now page, the user is 'subscribed' to updates in the group. The updates map to Interjections issued by users and Cards being discussed.

Get hands-on. Try it out.

A demo version of CollabAll is available here.

Get The Code. Clone The Repository.

Do you want to become a contributor? Clone the repository here.

Questions? Comments? Let us know.

Click here to contact us.

Made with at RIT